the soma satori method

The Soma Satori Method is a tapestry of healing practices, woven from threads of personal experience, professional training and a deep commitment to holistic transformation. This integrative approach brings together artistic expression, somatic awareness and mindful movement to create a unique path for personal growth and healing.

The Roots of Soma Satori

It was during a particularly dark time nearly 25 years ago that I found yoga. What started as a physical practice quickly became a gateway to something much deeper. For the first time, despite years of talk therapy, I experienced moments of true presence - brief reprieves from the constant chaos of my mind and inability to feel comfortable in my skin. These glimpses of inner peace sparked a curiosity that would shape the course of my life.

As I delved deeper into my yoga practice, I began to feel the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit. This realization led me to explore other modalities of healing and self-discovery, including meditation, somatic practices and various forms of artistic expression.

As I deepened my quest to return home to myself, I realized that true healing required a more comprehensive approach. This led me to pursue a degree in counseling, multiple certifications in somatic coaching with the Embody Lab and trauma-informed practices, including somatic experiencing with Dr. Peter Levine alongside over 1000hrs training and certification in yoga + meditation. Each new modality added depth and dimension to my understanding of the healing process.

The Essence of Soma Satori

At its core, the Soma Satori Method is about integration and awakening to our full potential. It recognizes that we are multifaceted beings and our healing must address every aspect of our experience:

The Body's Wisdom: Through mindful movement and somatic awareness, we tap into the body's innate knowledge and capacity for healing.

The Power of Creativity: Artistic expression becomes a portal to the subconscious, allowing us to process emotions and experiences that may be difficult to articulate verbally.

The Mind's Potential: Traditional counseling techniques are woven with mindfulness practices to cultivate clarity, insight, and emotional resilience.

The Spirit's Journey: Drawing from various wisdom traditions, we explore questions of meaning, purpose, and connection to something greater than ourselves.

A Fluid, Responsive Approach

Each Soma Satori session is a unique creation, tailored to your specific needs and experiences. We might begin with a conversation, flow into a guided movement practice, explore an emotion through artistic expression and close with a somatic integration exercise. This fluid approach allows us to address issues on multiple levels, creating opportunities for deep, lasting change.

Embracing the Whole Self

The Soma Satori Method isn't about achieving perfection or adhering to rigid rules. Instead, it's about embracing our whole selves – including the parts we might typically try to ignore, silence or change. This compassionate, non-judgmental approach creates space for true healing and transformation.

When it comes to challenges like addiction and attachments, we focus on understanding, integration and balance rather than strict abstinence. I believe this perspective recognizes the complexity of human experience and honors each individual's unique path to wellness.

An Invitation to Explore

If you've found your way here, you may be sensing a pull towards deeper self-understanding and healing. Perhaps you're navigating challenges similar to those I've faced, or maybe your path looks entirely different. Whatever brings you to this moment, know that there is potential for growth and transformation.

The Soma Satori Method offers a framework for exploration, but the true work happens within you. My role is to create a safe, nurturing space where you can reconnect with your innate wisdom, explore new ways of being, and cultivate a deeper sense of wholeness.

I invite you to reach out and discover how we might collaborate.

Together, we can forge a path of transformation, embracing every facet of who you are as you move towards greater integration, authenticity, and vitality.