Hello there + welcome :)

I'm Christianne, therapeutic healing artist + mentor. For over a decade, I've worked with the intelligence of the body to help people find their way back home to themselves.

I know what it's like to feel disconnected from your body, to use food, substances and other patterns as ways to cope. My own journey through healing trauma and addiction taught me that the body holds both our struggles and our solutions. Through movement, breath, and present-moment awareness, we can begin to shift patterns that no longer serve us.

My journey includes:

  • Somatic Coach certification and training with the Embody Lab

  • Extensive work + certifications with Dr. Peter Levine in trauma-informed practices

  • Addiction counseling certification

  • Over 1000 hours of yoga and meditation training

  • College degree in counseling

Art and creativity weave naturally through this work - not as the main focus, but as powerful tools for expression and discovery when words aren't enough.

My own path of healing taught me that transformation happens in layers. It takes time, patience, and a guide who has walked similar terrain. If you're ready to begin this journey of coming home to your body, I'm here to walk beside you.